What was wrong with cookies for DeafRead Custom? I understand the argument that TaylerCo is making, but really, why couldn't they have left the cookie option too? That way people would have a choice. I don't appreciate being required to sign up for something, and I avoid it every chance I can. Big Brother, privacy issues, hackable data, and all that...
BRING BACK THE COOKIES, DEAFREAD! What's wrong with letting people choose if they want to use the Dashboard or rely on cookies?
UPDATE: Jared Evans posted a little explanation of the move from cookies to the Dashboard. If this was written in response to my post, it completely missed my point. If it wasn't, it's a good idea to make sure people know what's happening.
Integrity? Ethics? HA!
Barry Sewell and his followers talk repeatedly about the need for integrity. Well, remember how Karen Mayes said that she saw something about letters being sent to DE's and Barb DiGi's bosses on DBCFacts.com, but that info disappeared within a few hours? She was telling the truth.
Breaking News
Letters are being submitted to California School for the Deaf and California Department of Education regarding CSD's Principal who made inappropriate comments in a meeting held by DBC core group. The comment clearly showed disrespect for cochlear implant community, especially deaf children who uses cochlear implants and hearing parents who choose to use it on their deaf children. The group of concerned citizens felt it was highly inappropriate for this CSD staff to use violent language such as 'strangle them' with a scarf and felt it offered warning signs.
Letters are being submitted to Rochester School for the Deaf and New York State Education Department regarding one of their staff who publicly announced views against cochlear implants and oralism.
Letters are being submitted to California Association of the Deaf and National Association of the Deaf regarding ethics and conflict of interest involving an individual who serves on the board of CAD, operates DBC and owns Deafhood Foundation. This individual serves on CAD Board and makes a profit through CAD's support for DBC in order to promote her Deafhood Foundation.
DBCfacts.com is working diligently to secure copies of these letters and hopefully they will be available. When and if it happens we will post them here as soon as they become available.
Reports were made to U.S. Dept. of Ed., CA School for the Deaf, CA Dept. of Ed, Rochester School for the Deaf, NY State Dept. of Ed, CA Assoc. of the Deaf and National Assoc. of the Deaf regarding concerns for depredatory comments made by DBC core group, some of whom works for these agencies.
A friend sent me this e-mail that contained what was posted on DBCFacts.com Tuesday morning:
Letters are being submitted to California School for the Deaf and California Department of Education regarding CSD's Principal who made inappropriate comments in a meeting held by DBC core group. The comment clearly showed disrespect for cochlear implant community, especially deaf children who uses cochlear implants and hearing parents who choose to use it on their deaf children. The group of concerned citizens felt it was highly inappropriate for this CSD staff to use violent language such as 'strangle them' with a scarf and felt it offered warning signs.
Letters are being submitted to Rochester School for the Deaf and New York State Education Department regarding one of their staff who publicly announced views against cochlear implants and oralism.
Letters are being submitted to California Association of the Deaf and National Association of the Deaf regarding ethics and conflict of interest involving an individual who serves on the board of CAD, operates DBC and owns Deafhood Foundation. This individual serves on CAD Board and makes a profit through CAD's support for DBC in order to promote her Deafhood Foundation.
DBCfacts.com is working diligently to secure copies of these letters and hopefully they will be available. When and if it happens we will post them here as soon as they become available.
THEN this is what is on DBCFacts.com as of now:
Wow. You people really went that far??? Congratulations. It's a witch hunt. Don't you realize this could have horrible repercussions for both schools? This isn't just about individuals, it is about all the employees and children. You may have just handed the states of California and New York the chain to pull the plug on schools in those states. This could be the end of state schools for the deaf. Many students could be without a good school and many fine teachers, administrators, and other staff members could be out of a job.
*Note: Comments closed again.
*Note 2: Find Karen Mayes' comments here: (Thank you, Karen)
Thank You, Crabs!
I'm in shock. Patti Durr has left DeafRead. A kind, gentle, and reasonable person that never left her principles has decided to stop blogging because of all the hate in the Deaf Blogosphere.
The rhetoric has grown more and more heated and angry. People like Dan are screeching at the top of his lung about DEAFHOOD CULTS. (Dan: a cult is not a person. It is a group/organization/society. You may be trying to say cult member, maybe? It doesn't matter. Your anger- and hate-filled rhetoric does no favors to anyone, least of all yourself.)
DrDonG tried to tell us all to STOP THE INSANITY yesterday. People who don't like him jumped all over him, saying mean and awful things. Observer said: "People, you're bashing someone for saying, 'Let's discuss this without name-calling, insulting, or being mean to each other.' I'm confused. Are you saying you WANT to be mean?" Very good question.
Candy called the people she didn't like assholes then when someone said something about that, she said something like "They started it." Other people in the group are doing the same thing, saying, "They did it first so we can do it too." So what? That doesn't make it okay. Paotie, Dan, Candy, and other members of a small group are insulting others, putting other people down, and criticizing people. They don't care about really talking about this and listening to other people. They just want to force their opinion on everyone and hurt people.
There are some commenters who don't like DBC and Deafhood, but they are being much more polite. MishkaZena is saying she doesn't like what she thinks is happening inside DBC, but she stays with the issues and criticizes actions, not people. That's the healthy way to give feedback. Focus on what actions you think are wrong and offer suggestions for improvement. There is no reason to tell people to go fuck themselves, insult them, or BS like that. Give them constructive feedback and discuss actions, not insult people.
I am not going to call individuals names, but I will say something to the people who started this whole thing against DBC and who are fanning the flames: Congratulations. You're damaging DBC, the Deaf community, the Deaf Blogosphere, and DeafRead. Your actions have done so much damage, it is far worse than anything I've ever seen.
*Note: Comments closed. It's not safe to let people comment on your blogs lately. There are many other blogs where both reasonable people and destructive people can say what they think.
Deaf Village - A True Village? Nay!
Guess what? I have severe doubts about deaf village's (taking a cue from Tony Nicholas) ability to truly include everyone and to be respectful about all perspectives. So I submitted my blog to test their commitment to their mission.
I was right. They said no. Here is the e-mail I received:
I freely concede that my last post was very strong and probably unpleasant for some people. However, the post described my feelings and not actions I would ever take toward anyone else. The quote Aaron referred to was taken out of context. The full quote is:
See how different that is from saying I'm going to do it. I was describing how this particular blog makes me feel.
And their interpretation of respect differs from mine, and many others in DeafBlogLand. There was a good post somewhere about how Rachel, Melissa and Elizabeth have failed to show true respect toward ASL, Deaf culture, and Deaf people. They say "Oh, that's interesting," (sweeping it aside) and go on as if our perspective had never been brought up.
Aaron, you want to talk about respect? BRING IT ON! I'd be glad to split hairs with you, because you certainly are.
And the kicker? I'm actually glad this blog, however sporadically I publish (this will only be my 10th post in almost 2 years), isn't on that partisan aggregator. I'm glad I tested their resolve and found them wanting. If they'd accepted the blog, I would've posted that for everyone to know.
Hey, speaking of that, I'm finding it absolutely fascinating that very few Deaf-centered people have signed up for deaf village too. Speaks volumes. Volumes, I tell ya.
Bye-bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Wait. LET it. (whistle) (wave)
The Deaf Village team has reviewed your blog and discussed whether to
allow your blog to be part of the new aggregator. We do want diversity,
but we feel that your latest blog seems to be contradictory to our vision
of what we want Deaf Village to be.
I personally have issues with certain statements you made such as
"bitch-slap her, her mother, and Elizabeth." This seems to be a direct
attack on the individual and not their ideals, which is something we do
not condone on Deaf Village.
Even though we have not posted the guidelines yet, we feel that we cannot
allow your blog to be part of Deaf Village until you show that you are
willing to respect other people's views and experiences.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
I freely concede that my last post was very strong and probably unpleasant for some people. However, the post described my feelings and not actions I would ever take toward anyone else. The quote Aaron referred to was taken out of context. The full quote is:
It's clear to me that her blog is nothing but relentless, one-sided, condescending propaganda for cochlear implants that makes me choke and want to bitch-slap her, her mother, and Elizabeth.
See how different that is from saying I'm going to do it. I was describing how this particular blog makes me feel.
And their interpretation of respect differs from mine, and many others in DeafBlogLand. There was a good post somewhere about how Rachel, Melissa and Elizabeth have failed to show true respect toward ASL, Deaf culture, and Deaf people. They say "Oh, that's interesting," (sweeping it aside) and go on as if our perspective had never been brought up.
Aaron, you want to talk about respect? BRING IT ON! I'd be glad to split hairs with you, because you certainly are.
And the kicker? I'm actually glad this blog, however sporadically I publish (this will only be my 10th post in almost 2 years), isn't on that partisan aggregator. I'm glad I tested their resolve and found them wanting. If they'd accepted the blog, I would've posted that for everyone to know.
Hey, speaking of that, I'm finding it absolutely fascinating that very few Deaf-centered people have signed up for deaf village too. Speaks volumes. Volumes, I tell ya.
Bye-bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Wait. LET it. (whistle) (wave)
The fur's a-flyin'!
Everybody online seems to be in a major snit about Rachel's blog being ejected from DeafRead. I'm personally glad that that piece of relentless propaganda is off DeafRead, but I don't think the argument for removing the blog is particularly sound. There's something that nobody seems to be blogging about in this whole brouhaha, though.
For the record, I think that the decision to remove Rachel was handled badly. If Cochlear Implant Online went down in flames, either real or electronic, nobody would be happier than me, but I don't really understand why it was removed. The explanation is nebulous, coming in bits and pieces through comments throughout the deaf blogosphere. She volunteers for a network that has ties to a major for-profit corporation. And that somehow conflicts with DeafRead's sponsor, which is a phone company. O-kay. It's clear to me that her blog is nothing but relentless, one-sided, condescending propaganda for cochlear implants that makes me choke and want to bitch-slap her, her mother, and Elizabeth. True, her blog is a mouthpiece for the glory of cochlear implantdom and it probably is a huge part of her volunteer efforts for the Cochlear Awareness Network. But I still don't see anything in DeafRead's current policy that explains this decision. I think Patti Durr had a great point here when she essentially said that if DeafRead had had a policy clearly explaining what audism is and that it would not be tolerated (in a comment she left later), that would be different. CI Online is one of the few blogs that I gleefully chose to HIDE. In fact, it was the first I chose to hide. But the explanation for showing her the door is not laid out in a convincing, concrete manner. So I'm with those who are questioning the decision.
But I'm surprised at all the people who are rushing to Rachel's defense. Have they forgotten how Tayler defended Rachel's, and everyone else's, right to be on DeafRead? A while back, I wrote, quite crudely in one part, about how DeafRead was just letting itself be overrun by endless CI propaganda. The truth is, I was reacting more to Rachel's blog than to anyone else's. The glut of activation videos at that time was also getting to me, but not nearly as much as Rachel's endless stream of so-called "success stories" and her horrible attitude towards sign language and a visually-centered way of life. She pays lip service to respect by SAYING that she does, but she doesn't. Not really. Her mom has brainwashed her by teaching her that she's better than us and that she doesn't need sign language or us. I saw comments from her mother before Rachel ever came into the deaf blogosphere, and I gotta say that Rachel sounds exactly like her mother. No one, except for Elizabeth, (who let loose some of the most infantile jabs, at Deaf Militants, I've ever seen in response to this brouhaha!) has been as partisan or as militant as Rachel and her mother. Yet Tayler and the DeafRead team all defended her right, and everyone else's right to be on DeafRead.
My, how quickly we forget.
This closing the ranks around Rachel and this exodus from DeafRead amuses me. It's so blinkin' obvious that there's more to this decision than simply "They don't like you so you're off." Tayler refused to listen to me and to many other people who approached him in person and online and boot Rachel off for months and months. Why would he suddenly start listening to us now?
Tayler and the DeafRead team need to do a lot of clarification fast, but honestly, I think a lot of you guys are being too reactionary. You've forgotten how hard Tayler has fought for inclusivity. Be pissed off at him for mishandling this, but don't accuse him of hating Rachel because she has a CI or of booting her off because many of us can't stand being hit in the head over and over with her crap. Demand a clear explanation, but don't assume he's either hatin' Rachel or pandering to Rachel-haters. Mmkay?
*Note: No comments allowed again. I don't feel like dealing with oral militants, their mothers, green couch laughers, candy-dispensers, kokonuts, babblers, heavily-made-up "little college girls," Casper wannabes, or their acolytes. Apologies to those of you who would engage in a real discussion.
For the record, I think that the decision to remove Rachel was handled badly. If Cochlear Implant Online went down in flames, either real or electronic, nobody would be happier than me, but I don't really understand why it was removed. The explanation is nebulous, coming in bits and pieces through comments throughout the deaf blogosphere. She volunteers for a network that has ties to a major for-profit corporation. And that somehow conflicts with DeafRead's sponsor, which is a phone company. O-kay. It's clear to me that her blog is nothing but relentless, one-sided, condescending propaganda for cochlear implants that makes me choke and want to bitch-slap her, her mother, and Elizabeth. True, her blog is a mouthpiece for the glory of cochlear implantdom and it probably is a huge part of her volunteer efforts for the Cochlear Awareness Network. But I still don't see anything in DeafRead's current policy that explains this decision. I think Patti Durr had a great point here when she essentially said that if DeafRead had had a policy clearly explaining what audism is and that it would not be tolerated (in a comment she left later), that would be different. CI Online is one of the few blogs that I gleefully chose to HIDE. In fact, it was the first I chose to hide. But the explanation for showing her the door is not laid out in a convincing, concrete manner. So I'm with those who are questioning the decision.
But I'm surprised at all the people who are rushing to Rachel's defense. Have they forgotten how Tayler defended Rachel's, and everyone else's, right to be on DeafRead? A while back, I wrote, quite crudely in one part, about how DeafRead was just letting itself be overrun by endless CI propaganda. The truth is, I was reacting more to Rachel's blog than to anyone else's. The glut of activation videos at that time was also getting to me, but not nearly as much as Rachel's endless stream of so-called "success stories" and her horrible attitude towards sign language and a visually-centered way of life. She pays lip service to respect by SAYING that she does, but she doesn't. Not really. Her mom has brainwashed her by teaching her that she's better than us and that she doesn't need sign language or us. I saw comments from her mother before Rachel ever came into the deaf blogosphere, and I gotta say that Rachel sounds exactly like her mother. No one, except for Elizabeth, (who let loose some of the most infantile jabs, at Deaf Militants, I've ever seen in response to this brouhaha!) has been as partisan or as militant as Rachel and her mother. Yet Tayler and the DeafRead team all defended her right, and everyone else's right to be on DeafRead.
My, how quickly we forget.
This closing the ranks around Rachel and this exodus from DeafRead amuses me. It's so blinkin' obvious that there's more to this decision than simply "They don't like you so you're off." Tayler refused to listen to me and to many other people who approached him in person and online and boot Rachel off for months and months. Why would he suddenly start listening to us now?
Tayler and the DeafRead team need to do a lot of clarification fast, but honestly, I think a lot of you guys are being too reactionary. You've forgotten how hard Tayler has fought for inclusivity. Be pissed off at him for mishandling this, but don't accuse him of hating Rachel because she has a CI or of booting her off because many of us can't stand being hit in the head over and over with her crap. Demand a clear explanation, but don't assume he's either hatin' Rachel or pandering to Rachel-haters. Mmkay?
*Note: No comments allowed again. I don't feel like dealing with oral militants, their mothers, green couch laughers, candy-dispensers, kokonuts, babblers, heavily-made-up "little college girls," Casper wannabes, or their acolytes. Apologies to those of you who would engage in a real discussion.
What happened to DeafRead Custom?
*wail* I've been going through life quite happily not having to pollute my eyes with hate-filled blogs until this afternoon. My cookies for DeafRead Custom were completely wiped out... both on my pager and on my computer. WHAT HAPPENED, DEAFREAD??? Please restore the cookies - stat!
More Labels? Cool! Keep 'Em Coming!

It's hilarious how certain people are willing to hurl more and more outrageous names at people who happen to agree with the Deafhood concept. They've been called militants, extremists, and now depressed people, cultists, or Deafhood priests and priestesses.
I, an independent thinker, have read the book and asked around about this concept, discussing it with a variety of people. I've thought about it and completely independent of any so-called prosletyzing, agree with Deafhood. It explains so much, including the behavior of certain bloggers and commenters who laugh all over cyberspace, attempt to dispense tooth-breaking hard candies, and scare people by emulating a pale specter. And no, I'm not depressed. But I'm proud to call myself a Deafhood acolyte.
There are many, many people outside of DeafBlogLand who are self-actualized and willing to shake off oppression, unlike what a few bloggers and commenters would have you believe. The anti-Deafhood priests and acolytes are the vocal minority, not us. Just in case you were wondering.
I'd like to take the ownership of the "Deafhood priest" concept one step further. Let's establish a Greek organization around this concept. Delta Epsilon Alpha Gamma Eta Theta Theta Delta, you are born as of this moment. Let's come up with wacky rituals and a pledge period. Let's figure out how we should march when we're pledging. Let's invent some rituals involving the Deafhood book along the lines of an egg toss or something. How about how we should use our eating implements? Silence or no? Sew our own pledge clothes? Colors what? Spell our full names? Come up with silly name signs for each other that only members can use? What would the robes look like once we become full members? How long before we have nationwide chapters? International chapters? Would we smile during pledging and rituals or not? Mascot look like what? What would the application and interview look like? What names would we use for the officers? What would the president be called? Archon? El Presidente? Grand Rajah? Monseigneur? Proedros? Something else from another language entirely? Would we come up with arcane acronyms and refuse to tell anyone but the initiated what they mean? Would we come up with ASL songs, poems, and stories to tell about Delta Epsilon Alpha etcetera? Let's find a dark, mysterious basement somewhere in Bristol marked only with our Greek letters and refuse to let anyone inside until they've gone through probation. Think of all the Greek products we could buy - shirts, bags, sweat pants, shorts, sweatshirts, and more!
Oooooo. This is gonna be soooooo much fun!!! I can't wait for the hazing to begin!!! *said tongue-in-cheek*
*Note: No comments allowed again. I don't feel like dealing with laughers, candy-dispensers, babblers, Casper wannabes, or their acolytes. Apologies to those of you who would engage in a real discussion.
DeafRead, take a stand!!
Before I begin, I want to announce a one-stop center for people who are upset with the nosedive that DeafRead has taken. You may leave comments here, so the editors can go to one place to hear your/our collective voice instead of going all over the Deaf blog-o-sphere.
I'm upset for many reasons. But right now I'm upset because I want to blog about a few internal community issues, and I feel muzzled. I feel like I need to be careful because I don't want to alienate hearing parents. We're ALREADY doing more than enough damage control, no thanks to AGB, AVI, Cochlear Americas, and other for-profit corporations scaring parents by telling them that being deaf is isolating, it's not normal, and that sound is a freaking miracle, for fuck's sake. I don't want to have to do even more by airing community issues out in public. What happened to our safe zone? Our ONLY safe zone on the Internet?
I am completely fed up with DeafRead allowing anything under the sun (and moon!) to invade its hallowed portals. I'm sympathetic to Tayler Mayer, because anyone with half a brain can tell that starting and operating DeafRead has to be a huge task. I have to believe that the only people that would've done such a thankless job have to be community-oriented. He, Jared Evans, and the Human Editors are to be commended for taking on this responsibility. All the personal attacks are completely uncalled for. Before I continue, THANK YOU to Tayler, Jared, and the Human Editors!
But I am going to freely criticize their choices. Tayler and Jared, you have got to take a stand. You just have to. NAD did. Why can't you? People are talking about how bad it's gotten and encouraging others to stop reading. I'm about to stop reading, and I'm not alone. I've already set up my RSS feed to go directly to blogs I enjoy and I'm very close to deleting DeafRead's RSS feed. It is NAUSEATING to have to read an endless parade of propaganda about so-called "success stories" and more. Why should stories like "Deafness Sucks," "Deaf Militants," and "New Processor, New Places, and New Sounds" be on DeafRead's front page? Why isn't that in Extra? DeafRead needs to STOP pandering to the lowest common denominator and whoring itself at the expense of being a true cultural center, representative of an organic, beautiful community. Close those legs, DeafRead, and be more selective of what goes on the main page!
I'll allow comments this time, but only those who want DeafRead to go back to being Deaf-centered. And I will not tolerate any personal attacks against the founders, editors, nor any individuals.
I'm upset for many reasons. But right now I'm upset because I want to blog about a few internal community issues, and I feel muzzled. I feel like I need to be careful because I don't want to alienate hearing parents. We're ALREADY doing more than enough damage control, no thanks to AGB, AVI, Cochlear Americas, and other for-profit corporations scaring parents by telling them that being deaf is isolating, it's not normal, and that sound is a freaking miracle, for fuck's sake. I don't want to have to do even more by airing community issues out in public. What happened to our safe zone? Our ONLY safe zone on the Internet?
I am completely fed up with DeafRead allowing anything under the sun (and moon!) to invade its hallowed portals. I'm sympathetic to Tayler Mayer, because anyone with half a brain can tell that starting and operating DeafRead has to be a huge task. I have to believe that the only people that would've done such a thankless job have to be community-oriented. He, Jared Evans, and the Human Editors are to be commended for taking on this responsibility. All the personal attacks are completely uncalled for. Before I continue, THANK YOU to Tayler, Jared, and the Human Editors!
But I am going to freely criticize their choices. Tayler and Jared, you have got to take a stand. You just have to. NAD did. Why can't you? People are talking about how bad it's gotten and encouraging others to stop reading. I'm about to stop reading, and I'm not alone. I've already set up my RSS feed to go directly to blogs I enjoy and I'm very close to deleting DeafRead's RSS feed. It is NAUSEATING to have to read an endless parade of propaganda about so-called "success stories" and more. Why should stories like "Deafness Sucks," "Deaf Militants," and "New Processor, New Places, and New Sounds" be on DeafRead's front page? Why isn't that in Extra? DeafRead needs to STOP pandering to the lowest common denominator and whoring itself at the expense of being a true cultural center, representative of an organic, beautiful community. Close those legs, DeafRead, and be more selective of what goes on the main page!
I'll allow comments this time, but only those who want DeafRead to go back to being Deaf-centered. And I will not tolerate any personal attacks against the founders, editors, nor any individuals.
Where's the respect?
Melissa, the hearing mom behind Cochlear Implant Online, wrote a comment on Jodi Del Dottore's post here (http://rallycapsdotnet.blogspot.com/208/02/pepsi-letter-screamed-show
-me-money.html), which compelled me to respond. I'm not saying she chose wrongly for her children. I'm saying that she seems to hate culturally Deaf people for some reason, and I'm tired of it.
(start comment)
Jodi, thank you! This is why I like you so much. You are open to Deaf culture, even though you've made different choices for your son.
Melissa, not all deaf children will succeed with the path you've chosen for your children. Your children were "lucky." Cochlear implants don't work for everyone, and neither does AVT. That's the way it is.
Truth is, your message is already out there loud and clear via countless media stories and there are very few deaf characters in the TV and movies who do not speak. Ours is getting swept under the rug. So I do NOT appreciate your constant efforts to sweep us aside. You're doing far more than simply ensuring that people get all their options. Pepsi is doing a great public service in bringing some of the balance back to the equation.
If AGB gets sponsorship from Pepsi or Pepsi recants in any way, I will hold you personally responsible, at least in part.
Jodi, I don't mean to hijack your blog this way. Thank you for being an ally.
(No comments allowed again. I apologize.)
-me-money.html), which compelled me to respond. I'm not saying she chose wrongly for her children. I'm saying that she seems to hate culturally Deaf people for some reason, and I'm tired of it.
(start comment)
Jodi, thank you! This is why I like you so much. You are open to Deaf culture, even though you've made different choices for your son.
Melissa, not all deaf children will succeed with the path you've chosen for your children. Your children were "lucky." Cochlear implants don't work for everyone, and neither does AVT. That's the way it is.
Truth is, your message is already out there loud and clear via countless media stories and there are very few deaf characters in the TV and movies who do not speak. Ours is getting swept under the rug. So I do NOT appreciate your constant efforts to sweep us aside. You're doing far more than simply ensuring that people get all their options. Pepsi is doing a great public service in bringing some of the balance back to the equation.
If AGB gets sponsorship from Pepsi or Pepsi recants in any way, I will hold you personally responsible, at least in part.
Jodi, I don't mean to hijack your blog this way. Thank you for being an ally.
(No comments allowed again. I apologize.)
I am LIVID. No, make that BEYOND LIVID. PepsiCo decided to affirm natural signed languages by airing a 60-minute SuperBowl ad (found here: http://www.pepsi.com/bobshouse/) featuring ASL users looking for a friend’s house. I was thrilled to pieces, because there is so much media attention focused on “the miracle of cochlear implants” and on speaking deaf children. I thought to myself, “Finally! Some balance!” This post is not about whether implants are right or wrong. It is about balance in the media, so please do NOT insist that I’m some militant who hates implants, okay?
Well, it took AGBell all of one week to decide that they had to start an e-mail campaign objecting and urging its members to contact Pepsi to protest the “lack of diversity” and, in AGBell’s own words from the e-mail they sent out, “…to educate the public…and promote appreciation for those individuals that go above and beyond to overcome the absence of something many of us take for granted – the miracle of sound.” I am appalled and disgusted at AGBell and any members who support this absurd course of action.
I have never, ever, not once ever seen ASL advocates argue for ASL WITHOUT English. Everyone I’ve talked to who promotes ASL ….ALSO…. believes in the importance of the Deaf child acquiring English. We see TV shows and movies show Deaf characters/people speaking ALMOST EVERY TIME. We don’t start mass e-mails urging people to contact the sponsors of that show/movie to apologize for the lack of diversity, for perpetuating a myth (even though they do!), and to, twist their quote, promote appreciation for those individuals that go above and beyond to immerse themselves in a beautiful world and a beautiful language. (but, hey, maybe we should!)
I’m not going to sink to their level by calling them names or calling them wrong, even though AGBell’s argument is ridiculous. The message is already out there in many, many ways that there are deaf people who don’t sign. I’ll just let the facts speak for themselves and I’ll call for a more positive course of action.
This is a call for action for you to contact PepsiCo, thanking them for promoting diversity and for giving ASL the attention it rarely gets, and whatever else comes to mind.
Here is the URL: http://www.pepsiusa.com/help/help.php?or=
And let’s call on the NAD to take STRONG action: http://www.nad.org/site/apps/ka/ct/contactus.asp?c=foINKQMBF&b=2296273&en=dvJVK8PLKdLQJ2NMIfIZJaPOIfIZJfOTLoK1IhN3LuJ9KsK
I’d also like to call on signing AGBell members to speak up. Is this okay with you that your organization did this? I’m wondering whether you’re questioning the entity you’ve joined and supported? If you object, use your status as a member to speak up within AGBell.
(FYI – I’m too furious to allow comments at all. I just do not want to deal with hearing moms telling me I’m wrong, or deaf Uncle Toms telling me I need to be open to diversity. I am. I’m just objecting to AGBell’s action and to the general imbalance in the media about us. I apologize to anyone else who wants to comment and ask for your understanding.)
Well, it took AGBell all of one week to decide that they had to start an e-mail campaign objecting and urging its members to contact Pepsi to protest the “lack of diversity” and, in AGBell’s own words from the e-mail they sent out, “…to educate the public…and promote appreciation for those individuals that go above and beyond to overcome the absence of something many of us take for granted – the miracle of sound.” I am appalled and disgusted at AGBell and any members who support this absurd course of action.
I have never, ever, not once ever seen ASL advocates argue for ASL WITHOUT English. Everyone I’ve talked to who promotes ASL ….ALSO…. believes in the importance of the Deaf child acquiring English. We see TV shows and movies show Deaf characters/people speaking ALMOST EVERY TIME. We don’t start mass e-mails urging people to contact the sponsors of that show/movie to apologize for the lack of diversity, for perpetuating a myth (even though they do!), and to, twist their quote, promote appreciation for those individuals that go above and beyond to immerse themselves in a beautiful world and a beautiful language. (but, hey, maybe we should!)
I’m not going to sink to their level by calling them names or calling them wrong, even though AGBell’s argument is ridiculous. The message is already out there in many, many ways that there are deaf people who don’t sign. I’ll just let the facts speak for themselves and I’ll call for a more positive course of action.
This is a call for action for you to contact PepsiCo, thanking them for promoting diversity and for giving ASL the attention it rarely gets, and whatever else comes to mind.
Here is the URL: http://www.pepsiusa.com/help/help.php?or=
And let’s call on the NAD to take STRONG action: http://www.nad.org/site/apps/ka/ct/contactus.asp?c=foINKQMBF&b=2296273&en=dvJVK8PLKdLQJ2NMIfIZJaPOIfIZJfOTLoK1IhN3LuJ9KsK
I’d also like to call on signing AGBell members to speak up. Is this okay with you that your organization did this? I’m wondering whether you’re questioning the entity you’ve joined and supported? If you object, use your status as a member to speak up within AGBell.
(FYI – I’m too furious to allow comments at all. I just do not want to deal with hearing moms telling me I’m wrong, or deaf Uncle Toms telling me I need to be open to diversity. I am. I’m just objecting to AGBell’s action and to the general imbalance in the media about us. I apologize to anyone else who wants to comment and ask for your understanding.)
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