
Deaf Village - A True Village? Nay!

Guess what? I have severe doubts about deaf village's (taking a cue from Tony Nicholas) ability to truly include everyone and to be respectful about all perspectives. So I submitted my blog to test their commitment to their mission.

I was right. They said no. Here is the e-mail I received:


The Deaf Village team has reviewed your blog and discussed whether to
allow your blog to be part of the new aggregator. We do want diversity,
but we feel that your latest blog seems to be contradictory to our vision
of what we want Deaf Village to be.

I personally have issues with certain statements you made such as
"bitch-slap her, her mother, and Elizabeth." This seems to be a direct
attack on the individual and not their ideals, which is something we do
not condone on Deaf Village.

Even though we have not posted the guidelines yet, we feel that we cannot
allow your blog to be part of Deaf Village until you show that you are
willing to respect other people's views and experiences.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.


I freely concede that my last post was very strong and probably unpleasant for some people. However, the post described my feelings and not actions I would ever take toward anyone else. The quote Aaron referred to was taken out of context. The full quote is:

It's clear to me that her blog is nothing but relentless, one-sided, condescending propaganda for cochlear implants that makes me choke and want to bitch-slap her, her mother, and Elizabeth.

See how different that is from saying I'm going to do it. I was describing how this particular blog makes me feel.

And their interpretation of respect differs from mine, and many others in DeafBlogLand. There was a good post somewhere about how Rachel, Melissa and Elizabeth have failed to show true respect toward ASL, Deaf culture, and Deaf people. They say "Oh, that's interesting," (sweeping it aside) and go on as if our perspective had never been brought up.

Aaron, you want to talk about respect? BRING IT ON! I'd be glad to split hairs with you, because you certainly are.

And the kicker? I'm actually glad this blog, however sporadically I publish (this will only be my 10th post in almost 2 years), isn't on that partisan aggregator. I'm glad I tested their resolve and found them wanting. If they'd accepted the blog, I would've posted that for everyone to know.

Hey, speaking of that, I'm finding it absolutely fascinating that very few Deaf-centered people have signed up for deaf village too. Speaks volumes. Volumes, I tell ya.

Bye-bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Wait. LET it. (whistle) (wave)