
More Labels? Cool! Keep 'Em Coming!

It's hilarious how certain people are willing to hurl more and more outrageous names at people who happen to agree with the Deafhood concept. They've been called militants, extremists, and now depressed people, cultists, or Deafhood priests and priestesses.

I, an independent thinker, have read the book and asked around about this concept, discussing it with a variety of people. I've thought about it and completely independent of any so-called prosletyzing, agree with Deafhood. It explains so much, including the behavior of certain bloggers and commenters who laugh all over cyberspace, attempt to dispense tooth-breaking hard candies, and scare people by emulating a pale specter. And no, I'm not depressed. But I'm proud to call myself a Deafhood acolyte. 

There are many, many people outside of DeafBlogLand who are self-actualized and willing to shake off oppression, unlike what a few bloggers and commenters would have you believe. The anti-Deafhood priests and acolytes are the vocal minority, not us. Just in case you were wondering.

I'd like to take the ownership of the "Deafhood priest" concept one step further. Let's establish a Greek organization around this concept. Delta Epsilon Alpha Gamma Eta Theta Theta Delta, you are born as of this moment. Let's come up with wacky rituals and a pledge period. Let's figure out how we should march when we're pledging. Let's invent some rituals involving the Deafhood book along the lines of an egg toss or something. How about how we should use our eating implements? Silence or no? Sew our own pledge clothes? Colors what? Spell our full names? Come up with silly name signs for each other that only members can use? What would the robes look like once we become full members? How long before we have nationwide chapters? International chapters? Would we smile during pledging and rituals or not? Mascot look like what? What would the application and interview look like? What names would we use for the officers? What would the president be called? Archon? El Presidente? Grand Rajah? Monseigneur? Proedros? Something else from another language entirely? Would we come up with arcane acronyms and refuse to tell anyone but the initiated what they mean? Would we come up with ASL songs, poems, and stories to tell about Delta Epsilon Alpha etcetera? Let's find a dark, mysterious basement somewhere in Bristol marked only with our Greek letters and refuse to let anyone inside until they've gone through probation. Think of all the Greek products we could buy - shirts, bags, sweat pants, shorts, sweatshirts, and more!

Oooooo. This is gonna be soooooo much fun!!! I can't wait for the hazing to begin!!! *said tongue-in-cheek*

*Note: No comments allowed again. I don't feel like dealing with laughers, candy-dispensers, babblers, Casper wannabes, or their acolytes. Apologies to those of you who would engage in a real discussion.