
My First Post

People may wonder why I chose such a controversial figure for my pseudonym. They may wonder if there are supposed to be any religious undertones or any iconoclastic undertones. The answer is simply that both the real and mythic Saunières were protectors of the truth.

My perception of truth is that it is what you make of it. Perception alters reality; therefore, your perception, attitudes, and beliefs frame your own reality. I expect that my truth will resonate with some people and strike a dissonant chord with others. I'm starting this site because I feel my truth has come under attack from members of my own community and I feel compelled to take a stand and protect my truth.

I believe in free and open dialogue, as long as it remains honest yet respectful. But there are more and more attacks against those of us who believe that ASL should be available for all of us and who believe in a "deaf space." We are called militant, radical, and we are told that
people fear us. That's whack. I'm sorry, but it is. Why can't a small group of angry people who feel persecuted accept that we can stand up for our rights and our safe places WITHOUT rejecting people who came from many different educational, genetic, and linguistick backgrounds?

I believe that EVERYONE who is not hearing has the right to be part of our community. Why not? Think about it. If we start telling people they can't be part of the community because they grew up mainstreamed, we punish them because of choices they did not make. Isn't that dumb?
Later, we will tell people that they can't be part of the community because they are not brown-eyed, not from NYC, not from Fanwood, so therefore no one who is blue eyed, born in Boston, and went to Frederick can be part of the community even if he is a native signer, was always part of ESDAA tournaments, and is president of the MDAD. How stupid to start rejecting people for any reason other than his or her specific personality!

But sad to say, there are people who do exactly that thing. I went to a party one time and they were all mainstreamed except for me. Most of them were really mean to me, saying things like I was a retard and an animal just cuz I went to a school for the deaf. Other groups do that too.
The good thing is that most deaf people are smarter than that and accept everyone.

But why are some of us continuing to behave in ways that divide us? Both "superior" behavior and "victim/being persecuted" behavior are equally bad. Neither helps us learn about each other and learn about how we can work together to be a strong community. My suggestion is just forget about how horribly some people treated you and approach everyone with an open mind and an open heart. If someone is not nice to you just because you are different, stand up for yourself respectfully. But but but do not forget that not everyone will do that. Most people won't. Let's work together and be positive!

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